Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Back in the Saddle

Right, fuzz free once again thanks to a trip to the Wax Queen - Kim in Upminster http://www.braziliawaxingstudio.co.uk/ which is about time as although I deliberately delayed my waxing appointment for my trip to Vegas (yeah!!) I was getting hairy and the hairier I got, the more depressed I got because I was becoming less and less Evie like with each passing day. Still with me?
S/O and I have decided to permanently split by the way, sell the house etc, this has called for much self doubt and second guessing on my behalf; am i doing the right thing? Is the whole Evie side of my life getting too big? Should I settle for what I have and give it another go with my S/O and pack Evie away possibly forever?
The answer is no, after many tears, Evie is going nowhere but these doubts have plagued me a lot recently and the hair situation was frankly not helping. So being fuzz free has felt a bit like a cleansing, a washing away of fears and nagging doubts. I am a believer again and as a test of my faith I have got rid of the arm hair too, perhaps my most outward sign so far of the tranniness in my soul. Those who know me may be aware of my penchant for long sleeved fashion, well no more I say!
Kim is absolutely brilliant by the way and I would not hesitate to recommend her. She is very friendly and open, her treatment is excellent and I will certainly return to her salon for my next waxing session.
There we have it, a brave new, hair free world, Vegas awaits, i will post the holiday snaps on Flickr. Look out for how many short sleeves I wear!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Less perspective more wine

It has been a particularly wearing week at work and it's only Tuesday. I am carrying out a role that that is above my regular pay grade so consequently the pressure is on, everything is my responsibility and there is no way of satisfying anybody. I have to keep this crap up until Friday, I suddenly have a new found respect for my boss, who is a good man and I respect highly anyway.

So how do regular people deal with this? I am lucky I can go home, crack open a bottle red and put some female clothing on. Thank god for being a tranny I say, how the hell does anyone else cope without that kind of release? Drink more I suppose. Role on the weekend.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Hey I became an Auntie today!! 7.9 pounds of baby Logan came bursting into the world, I am very proud and also quite relieved really, I have no offspring myself and I am glad there is someone to carry the bloodline forwards.... it means a lot actually.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


I'm feeling a bit frustrated at the moment, not that kind of frustrated, rather that i am feeling a bit maley (it's a word!). I have the the fabulous prospect of a 10 day holiday in Vegas coming up and in preparation I have planned my hair removal routine around it. However, for the waxed amongst you, you will know that you need to have hairs approx 1cm in length for optimum effect.

On the 15th I will be as smooth as a 10 year old but that seems a long ways off at the moment. Ho hum, hair today, gone tomorrow they say but I need a bit of Evie time and she doesn't 'do' hairy legs urggghhh! (that's a word too). For anyone that knows me, I have decided to get my forearms done this time so I can do short sleeve stuff for the summer. This is a bit of a deal as it would be one of the most outwardly obvious signs in the male world of my 'alternative lifestyle'.

The female beauty regime is a demanding mistress, this I am slowly discovering. I am also dieting (a bit) so my levels are a bit low, nothing drastic, have replaced lunch time sandwiches with sushi and desert with, well nothing. This is working, down from a size 18 to a size 16 in a skirt, this is a good thing and I had to go out shopping to celebrate. Now I have a gorgeous short(ish) brown skirt from Next and a fab skinny denim skirt from DP.... every cloud and all that.